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I love supporting patients throughout pregnancy. Osteopathy is safe and effective for managing pain throughout pregnancy and helping prepare the body for birth. It is safe to receive osteopathy treatment throughout your entire pregnancy. 

I treat the whole body with specific focus on your areas of pain in a mixture of sitting, standing and lying - whatever positioning is most comfortable for you. I provide plenty of take home management advice and refer to other practitioners where necessary.

If you are pregnant and interested in treatment with me, book online today. If you have some questions before booking in, feel free to email me!


Many postpartum people struggle with many forms of body aches and pains. All the focus goes to baby after the birth and birthing parents often get a very quick 6-week check up and that is all, which is not sufficient in caring for you. If you are having pain post birth, I do encourage you to book in so we can begin resolving your pain.

If you are postpartum and interested in treatment with me, book online today. If you have some questions before booking in, feel free to email me!


Many people experience pelvic pain for a variety of reasons. It is commonly seen in office workers, people who drive long distances, after car accidents, during pregnancy and postpartum and in people living with reproductive (endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS) and/or gastrointestinal conditions (e.g. IBS / IBD). 

Do you experience pelvic pain? Book online to have a treatment with me!


I have done further professional development in supporting patients who are currently breastfeeding. If you are experiencing mastitis, breast engorgement, blocked ducts or any other breast and body pains associated with breastfeeding - book in!


We don't wait around with mastitis, if you think you are experiencing it get in contact straight away and I will get you an appointment ASAP


Get in contact with me if you have any questions:


I have done further professional development in supporting patients with breast care during and after breast cancer. I can help treat:

  • Post-lumpectomy/wide excision pain

  • Post-mastectomy pain 

  • Cording and armpit stiffness 

  • Capsular contraction 

  • Shoulder pain and arm movement restriction 

  • Mobility and pain around scars 

  • Fibrosis

  • Seroma

  • Induration management 

  • Oedema and lymphoedema 

If you are interested in breast care, book online with me today or feel free to email me if you have any questions

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